Surrey’s Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Bridal beauty tips

Brides to be: it is time to prepare. Whilst there may be a myriad of wedding decisions keeping everyone occupied, make sure you think about yourself! This month we are going to explore alternative beauty treatments that may not have been considered, says Naomi Diamond of Epsom Skin Clinics.
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Helpful tips leading up to the big day:
• Stay hydrated! Whilst undertaking exercise routines, attempting weight loss and to aid healthy skin, it is important to stay hydrated. We all know drinking water is good for us, but starving the skin of water can lead to lost muscle tone where it will not support weight loss. Also, invest in a dry body brush and use it every other day. Work in sweeping motions towards the lymph nodes to help with cellulite: the aim is to get the circulation flowing and stimulate hard fat.

• Life is busy enough, but time becomes very precious leading up to a wedding. Set aside a few hours at least once a week to treat yourself. Purchase a nourishing cuticle oil to promote strong nail growth and healthy cuticles for those ‘up close’ wedding ring pictures. Phenomen Oil from Jessica has vitamin E, rice and jojoba oils to deeply moisturise and can also be used on dry elbows, knees or chapped lips. For dry skin or eczema sufferers, try various body lotions and potions, but remember a doctor can always prescribe something stronger to target stubborn areas.

For the beautiful bride experiencing problematic and oily skin: Many people suffering from acne may be at the end of their tether having tried multiple treatments, products and medications, which some may find have helped improve the skin, but not necessarily targeted the route of the problem. AGNES is a revolutionary new treatment which carries out selective sebaceous gland destruction. There are thousands of sebaceous glands over the face and these help to keep skin lubricated with oil; in an acne-prone skin these glands are more active and therefore over produce oil leading to spots.

Studies suggest most acne recurs from the same damaged sebaceous gland and this is where AGNES comes in. To treat the recurring spot, Epsom Skin Clinics use a radio frequency needle to coagulate and remove the gland resulting in less spots and less future scarring. The same principle can be applied to treating fat pads under the eyes and sagging skin/eye bags using a non-surgical approach.

For the bride who wants to hide a tattoo: ‘Think before you ink’ is a sentence that can come back to haunt from time to time, but there is another option! Laser tattoo removal, although uncomfortable, could reduce and fade unwanted ink before the big day. Epsom Skin Clinics offer the R20 Technique which means clients can have up to four treatments in one day and we have many brides starting sooner rather than later. Alternatively, or combined with laser treatment, brides can use camouflage make-up. Ask your make-up artist about it and have a practice session before the big day.

For those worried about fine lines, wrinkles, scars and stretch marks: A collagen boosting treatment can be used to treat aging skin or those with scars. EnerJet is a system which delivers immediate and long-lasting results. Pneumatic technology provides precise and controlled release of hyaluronic acid into the dermis which immediately makes the skin appear rejuvenated and hydrated with more volume. It can also be used to break down scar tissue and improve the appearance of stretch marks by increasing collagen. Complement this treatment with some good skincare products such as the Swisscode Genistein collection that increases collagen by 53% in 28 days.

So all you brides to be out there, book a complimentary consultation with Epsom Skin Clinics at the earliest opportunity to ensure there is plenty of time to treat any concerns, have a flawless make-up ready and skin radiant. Let us take one thing off your mind.


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Epsom Skin Clinics
Telephone: 01372 737280 (Epsom) or 020 8399 5996 (Surbiton)